Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dating As A Divorcing Mom

For some people one of the bright sides of getting a divorce is the aspect of being able to date. I'll admit, this did cross my mind. However, now that I am trying to date, I am somewhat disappointed in my options. The last time I dated, I was 20. I fit into that typical mold of what most 20 year old's are doing: going to college, working, hanging out with friends, not a ton of responsibility. The available guys fit somewhere in that also, some were working, some were going to school, some had their own place, some were living with parents. You get the idea. I had hoped that in the past 7 years the dating pool would have changed. My experience thus far is that it has not. Now, I don't really fit into the typical mold for my age: I'm a professional, have my own home/car, have a daughter, have tons of responsibility. The guys I have had to fortune (or misfortune in some cases) of talking to may have a job, may have their own car (or their car is in the "shop"), may have their own place (I understand some reasons of living at home as an adult, but most do not seem to have this reason), may have children of their own. I seem to attract those who are lacking in one department or another. I also seem to run into those guys that do not understand the responsibility of having a child 24/7. I don't get to go out every weekend, usually I sit at home and relax which is fine by me. I know this post is rambling, especially for my first one on this blog, but the dating scene is just depressing for me at this junction. Someone please tell me it gets better, or that I have to wade through the not so good to find the good.

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